Interfaces vs Abstract Classes in Java


Welcome to the fascinating world of Java, a cornerstone of modern software development and a language that has shaped the landscape of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Since its inception, Java has offered developers a powerful toolbox for building complex, robust, and scalable applications. At the heart of Java’s success is its commitment to the principles of OOP, including encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. These principles not only make Java intuitive and efficient but also foster a coding environment where reusability and modularity are paramount.

Among the myriad features of Java, two stand out for their pivotal role in designing flexible and maintainable systems: interfaces and abstract classes. These constructs are fundamental to Java’s type system, serving as the backbone for polymorphism and inheritance. Interfaces allow Java to support multiple inheritance to some extent, enabling a class to commit to certain behaviors without dictating how those behaviors are implemented. On the other hand, abstract classes provide a way to define partial implementations for a family of related classes, encapsulating common functionality while leaving room for subclasses to fill in the specifics.

The interplay between interfaces and abstract classes is nuanced, with each having its unique place in Java’s ecosystem. Their proper use can significantly impact the readability, maintainability, and scalability of your code. Understanding when and how to use these constructs is crucial for any Java developer looking to master the art of software design.

In this article, we embark on a deep dive into the realms of interfaces and abstract classes. We’ll start with a primer on what interfaces and abstract classes are, including their evolution over the versions of Java. We’ll explore how to define and implement them, discuss their limitations, and illustrate their use cases with practical examples and code snippets.

Following the basics, we’ll conduct a comparative analysis, highlighting the key differences and guiding you on when to use one over the other. We’ll then venture into advanced topics, such as functional interfaces, the interface segregation principle, and the interplay between interfaces and abstract classes in system design. Through real-world scenarios and design patterns, we’ll provide practical advice on choosing the right abstraction for your projects.

Our journey will not only clarify the theoretical aspects but also offer actionable insights, empowering you to leverage interfaces and abstract classes to their full potential. Whether you’re refining the architecture of an existing system or embarking on a new project, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions in your Java programming endeavors.

So, let’s get started on this exciting journey through the world of Java, interfaces, and abstract classes. Buckle up for an enlightening ride that promises to enhance your coding practices and elevate your software designs.

Chapter 1: Understanding Interfaces

In the realm of Java programming, interfaces are a pivotal concept, serving as a blueprint from which classes can inherit form without inheriting implementation. This chapter will guide you through the intricacies of interfaces, their evolution, practical implementations, and their significance in designing clean, modular software.

Definition and Purpose of Interfaces in Java

An interface in Java is an abstract type that is used to specify a set of methods that a class must implement. Interfaces are about capabilities that a class can provide to the outside world without dictating the exact way those capabilities must be implemented. This allows for a form of polymorphism where objects of different classes can be treated the same way if they implement the same interface. The primary purpose of an interface is to enable the concept of “programming to an interface” which reduces dependencies in the code and enhances its flexibility and maintainability.

Evolution of Interfaces

From Java 7 and Earlier: Initially, interfaces in Java could only contain method declarations. All methods were implicitly abstract, and all fields were implicitly public, static, and final. This strict approach ensured a clear contract but offered no flexibility in providing any method implementation.

Java 8 – Default Methods: Java 8 introduced a significant enhancement with default methods. This feature allows interfaces to have methods with an implementation, providing greater flexibility. Default methods enable developers to add new methods to interfaces without breaking the existing implementations, aiding in the evolution of APIs.

Java 9 – Private Methods: With Java 9, interfaces were further enhanced by allowing private methods. This feature enables code reuse between default methods within the same interface, allowing for cleaner and more maintainable code by encapsulating common code patterns as private methods within the interface.

How to Define an Interface

Defining an interface in Java is straightforward. You simply use the interface keyword, followed by the interface name and a block containing method declarations. Here’s the basic syntax:

public interface Vehicle {
    void start();
    void stop();

Implementing Interfaces in Classes

A class implements an interface using the implements keyword, promising to provide concrete implementations of all the abstract methods declared in the interface. Here’s how you can implement the above Vehicle interface:

public class Car implements Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Car is starting");

    public void stop() {
        System.out.println("Car is stopping");

Use Cases for Interfaces

  • Decoupling: Interfaces are a cornerstone for decoupling code components, making it easier to swap out implementations without affecting the consuming code.
  • Multiple Inheritance: They allow Java classes to achieve a form of multiple inheritance by implementing multiple interfaces, thus overcoming Java’s single inheritance limitation.
  • API Design: Interfaces are extensively used in API design to define contracts that implementations must follow, providing flexibility in the backend implementations.

Limitations of Interfaces

  • No State: Interfaces cannot hold any state. They can declare constants but cannot have instance fields.
  • Limited Modifiers: All methods in an interface are implicitly public, and you cannot define them as private or protected.

Code Snippets and Examples

Basic Interface Definition and Implementation

interface Greeter {
    void greet();

class EnglishGreeter implements Greeter {
    public void greet() {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Interface with Default and Static Methods

interface Loggable {
    default void logInfo(String message) {
        log(message, "INFO");

    static void log(String message, String level) {
        System.out.println(level + ": " + message);

Multiple Interface Implementation in a Single Class

interface Movable {
    void move();

interface Stoppable {
    void stop();

class Vehicle implements Movable, Stoppable {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("Vehicle is moving");

    public void stop() {
        System.out.println("Vehicle has stopped");

Through these examples, we’ve explored the versatility and power of interfaces in Java. Interfaces not only allow us to define contracts that classes can agree to follow but also provide a way to achieve loose coupling and enhance code modularity. As we continue, keep these concepts in mind as they form the foundation for understanding more complex design patterns and programming paradigms in Java.

Chapter 2: Delving into Abstract Classes

While interfaces offer a high level of abstraction without any implementation details, abstract classes in Java serve as a halfway house between full abstraction and concrete implementation. This chapter navigates through the world of abstract classes, exploring their definition, utility, and how they differ in capability and constraint from interfaces.

Definition and Role of Abstract Classes in Java

An abstract class in Java is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and is declared with the abstract keyword. Its primary role is to serve as a superclass that provides a common definition of a base class that multiple derived classes can share. An abstract class can include abstract methods (methods without a body) as well as concrete methods (methods with a body). This blend allows an abstract class to provide default behavior while forcing subclasses to implement specific methods.

When to Use Abstract Classes

Abstract classes are particularly useful when you have a class that should not be instantiated (because it’s incomplete on its own) but nonetheless contains both implementation (methods with bodies) and specification (abstract methods). They are chosen over interfaces when you need to share code among multiple related classes. Abstract classes allow you to define some default behavior and force subclasses to provide specific implementations for other behaviors.

Abstract Methods vs Concrete Methods in Abstract Classes

  • Abstract Methods: Methods declared in an abstract class without an implementation. Subclasses are required to provide implementations for these methods.
  • Concrete Methods: Methods in an abstract class that have an implementation. These can be inherited as is by subclasses, which can also override them if needed.

Extending Abstract Classes

Subclasses extend an abstract class using the extends keyword. A subclass must provide implementations for all of the abstract methods in its parent abstract class unless the subclass is also declared as abstract.

Constraints and Capabilities of Abstract Classes

  • Single Inheritance: A class can extend only one abstract class, due to Java’s single inheritance model. This constraint limits the use of abstract classes in scenarios requiring multiple inheritances.
  • Instance Variables: Abstract classes can have instance variables that can be inherited by subclasses. This allows abstract classes to define a state that can be shared across multiple subclasses.
  • Constructors: Abstract classes can have constructors that are called when a concrete subclass is instantiated.

Code Snippets and Examples

Defining an Abstract Class

abstract class Animal {
    abstract void makeSound();

    void breathe() {
        System.out.println("Animal is breathing");

Extending an Abstract Class with Concrete Implementations

class Dog extends Animal {
    void makeSound() {

class Cat extends Animal {
    void makeSound() {

Abstract Class with a Combination of Abstract and Concrete Methods

abstract class Vehicle {
    abstract void startEngine();

    void stopEngine() {
        System.out.println("Engine is stopped");

    void accelerate() {
        System.out.println("Vehicle is accelerating");

class Car extends Vehicle {
    void startEngine() {
        System.out.println("Car engine started");

Abstract classes in Java offer a powerful mechanism for defining shared behavior while enforcing certain methods to be implemented by subclasses. By combining abstract and concrete methods, they provide a flexible foundation for your application’s architecture. In the next chapters, we’ll compare abstract classes directly with interfaces, and explore scenarios where one may be preferred over the other. This understanding is crucial for making informed decisions in your Java application design.

Chapter 3: Interfaces vs Abstract Classes – A Comparative Analysis

In Java, both interfaces and abstract classes are used to achieve abstraction, but they cater to different design needs and scenarios. This chapter dives into the comparative analysis of interfaces and abstract classes, shedding light on their distinct characteristics, appropriate usage contexts, and how they can be leveraged in real-world applications.

Key Differences in Definition and Usage

  • Definition: An interface is a reference type in Java, it is a collection of abstract methods. A class implements an interface, inheriting the abstract methods of the interface. On the other hand, an abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and may contain both abstract and non-abstract methods.
  • Usage: Interfaces are used to define a contract for what a class can do, without specifying how it does it. Abstract classes are used when you need to share code among several closely related classes.

Accessibility Modifiers: Public vs Protected Methods

  • Interfaces: All methods in interfaces are implicitly public, and they cannot have protected or private methods (except private methods in Java 9 and later for internal use within the interface).
  • Abstract Classes: Abstract classes can have public, protected, and private methods. Protected methods allow subclasses to use them without exposing them to the rest of the world.

Inheritance vs Polymorphism: Extending Functionality

  • Single Inheritance with Classes: Java supports single inheritance with classes, meaning a class can only extend one other class, be it abstract or concrete.
  • Multiple Inheritance with Interfaces: A class can implement multiple interfaces, allowing Java to support a form of multiple inheritance in terms of behavior (method signatures) but not implementation.

When to Use Which: Real-world Scenarios

  • Use Interfaces When:
    • You expect unrelated classes to implement your interface. For example, the Comparable interface can be implemented by any class that wants its objects to be orderable.
    • You need to specify the behavior of a particular data type, but not concerned about who implements its behavior.
  • Use Abstract Classes When:
    • You want to share code among several closely related classes.
    • You expect that classes that extend your abstract class have many common methods or fields, or require access modifiers other than public (such as protected and private).

Case Studies and Examples

Designing a System with Both Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Imagine designing a payment gateway system that supports multiple payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. You could use an interface to define the common operations all payment methods should implement (processPayment, refundPayment) and use abstract classes to share common logic and fields (like validatePaymentDetails) that are common across all payment methods but require some base implementation.

interface PaymentMethod {
    boolean processPayment(double amount);
    boolean refundPayment(double amount);

abstract class AbstractPaymentMethod implements PaymentMethod {
    protected String validatePaymentDetails() {
        // Common validation logic

Refactoring from Abstract Classes to Interfaces in Evolving Software

A software library starts with an abstract class defining common operations for data export. As the library grows, the need for flexibility increases, and the system evolves to support plugins. It becomes evident that using an interface for defining export operations offers better extensibility and allows implementations that don’t share a common ancestor, facilitating a plugin-based architecture.

The Strategy Pattern: Interface-based vs Abstract Class-based Approach

The Strategy Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. The strategy interface defines the action, and concrete strategies implement the action differently.

  • Interface-based Approach: This is more flexible and allows the strategies to be completely unrelated, sharing only the method signature.
  • Abstract Class-based Approach: Useful when the strategies share common behavior or data. The abstract class can provide some default implementations or helper methods.
// Interface-based strategy
interface SortingStrategy {
    void sort(List<?> items);

// Abstract class-based strategy
abstract class AbstractSortingStrategy implements SortingStrategy {
    protected void swap(List<?> items, int i, int j) {
        // common swapping logic

Understanding when to use interfaces and when to opt for abstract classes is crucial for designing effective Java applications. By evaluating the needs of your system—whether it requires strict adherence to a contract, common shared behavior, or both—you can make informed decisions that enhance your software’s design and flexibility.

Chapter 4: Advanced Topics and Considerations

As we dive deeper into the world of Java, it becomes clear that interfaces and abstract classes are more than just tools for basic object-oriented design. They are foundational elements that, when understood and applied adeptly, can significantly elevate the quality, scalability, and maintainability of software. This chapter explores advanced topics and considerations that every seasoned Java developer should be familiar with.

Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions

Functional Interfaces are interfaces with just one abstract method, and they play a pivotal role in Java’s adoption of functional programming concepts. Introduced in Java 8, lambda expressions allow you to implement these interfaces in a much cleaner and more concise way than anonymous classes.

interface Greeting {
    void sayHello(String name);

// Usage with lambda expression
Greeting greeting = name -> System.out.println("Hello, " + name);
greeting.sayHello("Java Developer");

Interface Segregation Principle and Its Impact on System Design

The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), one of the SOLID principles of object-oriented design, states that no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use. Adhering to ISP by using multiple, specific interfaces instead of large, general-purpose ones makes a system more flexible and easier to refactor, understand, and implement.

Mixing Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Best Practices

While interfaces and abstract classes can sometimes serve similar purposes, their strategic combination can lead to highly cohesive, loosely coupled, and adaptable codebases. Here are some best practices:

  • Use interfaces to define roles that objects can play, and abstract classes to share code among closely related objects.
  • Prefer interfaces if you anticipate many unrelated classes will implement your contract.
  • Consider abstract classes when you need to provide common base functionality.

Performance Considerations: Does it Matter?

In modern JVMs, the performance difference between using interfaces and abstract classes is negligible for most applications. The JVM and JIT compiler optimizations, such as inline caching, have minimized the overhead associated with interface calls. Developers should focus more on design and clarity rather than on micro-optimizing performance through their choice between interfaces and abstract classes.

Future of Interfaces and Abstract Classes in Java: Project Valhalla Insights

Project Valhalla is an ongoing effort by Oracle to bring value types and generic specialization to Java. While still in the works, it promises to introduce significant changes to the Java language and JVM, potentially affecting how interfaces and abstract classes are used, especially in the context of performance and memory efficiency.

Deep Dives

In-depth Analysis of Functional Interfaces with Code Examples

Functional interfaces provide a foundation for functional programming in Java, enabling cleaner, more modular code. They are extensively used in Java’s Stream API, CompletableFuture, and other areas where a higher-order function is required.

interface Converter<F, T> {
    T convert(F from);

// Usage
Converter<String, Integer> stringToInteger = Integer::valueOf;
int number = stringToInteger.convert("123");

Case Study on Applying Interface Segregation in a Large Codebase

Consider a large application with a monolithic service class that performs various functions. By applying the Interface Segregation Principle, you could refactor this monolith into several smaller, more focused interfaces, each serving a specific subset of the client’s needs. This refactoring makes the system more modular, easier to understand, and adaptable to future changes.

Performance Benchmarks: Interfaces vs Abstract Classes

Benchmarking studies generally show minimal performance differences between interfaces and abstract classes, thanks to JVM optimizations. However, it’s crucial to focus on design and architecture rather than premature optimization. Code readability, maintainability, and adherence to SOLID principles often outweigh slight performance considerations in the long run.

By understanding and applying the concepts discussed in this chapter, Java developers can create more robust, scalable, and maintainable applications. The nuanced use of interfaces, abstract classes, and the principles governing their use are what distinguish proficient developers from novices.

Chapter 5: Practical Applications and Design Patterns

Design patterns and practical applications showcase the strength of using interfaces and abstract classes in Java. Here, we will explore how these can be implemented in real-world scenarios through detailed code examples.

Strategy Pattern Using Interfaces

The Strategy Pattern allows algorithms to be selected at runtime. Interfaces are perfect for defining a family of algorithms.

interface PaymentStrategy {
    public void pay(int amount);

class CreditCardStrategy implements PaymentStrategy {
    public void pay(int amount) {
        System.out.println("Paying with Credit Card: $" + amount);

class PayPalStrategy implements PaymentStrategy {
    public void pay(int amount) {
        System.out.println("Paying via PayPal: $" + amount);

class ShoppingCart {
    private PaymentStrategy paymentStrategy;

    public ShoppingCart(PaymentStrategy paymentStrategy) {
        this.paymentStrategy = paymentStrategy;

    public void checkout(int amount) {;

Observer Pattern Using Interfaces

The Observer Pattern is used for creating a subscription model to notify multiple objects about any events that happen to the object they are observing.

interface Observer {
    void update(String event);

class EventSource {
    private List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addObserver(Observer observer) {

    public void notifyObservers(String event) {
        for (Observer observer : observers) {

class ConcreteObserver implements Observer {
    public void update(String event) {
        System.out.println("Received event: " + event);

Factory Method Pattern Using Abstract Classes

The Factory Method Pattern defines an interface for creating an object but lets subclasses alter the type of objects that will be created.

abstract class Dialog {

    public void renderWindow() {
        Button okButton = createButton();

    // Factory method
    public abstract Button createButton();

class WindowsDialog extends Dialog {
    public Button createButton() {
        return new WindowsButton();

class WebDialog extends Dialog {
    public Button createButton() {
        return new WebButton();

interface Button {
    void render();

class WindowsButton implements Button {
    public void render() {
        System.out.println("Render a button in a Windows style");

class WebButton implements Button {
    public void render() {
        System.out.println("Render a button in a web style");

Designing a Payment Processing System

interface PaymentProcessor {
    boolean processPayment(double amount);

class CreditCardProcessor implements PaymentProcessor {
    public boolean processPayment(double amount) {
        System.out.println("Processing credit card payment of $" + amount);
        return true;

class PaypalProcessor implements PaymentProcessor {
    public boolean processPayment(double amount) {
        System.out.println("Processing PayPal payment of $" + amount);
        return true;

Implementing a Sensor System

abstract class Sensor {
    abstract int readValue();

    void performSelfCheck() {
        System.out.println("Performing self-check");
        // Implementation of self-check

class TemperatureSensor extends Sensor {
    int readValue() {
        System.out.println("Reading temperature value");
        return 25; // Dummy temperature

Refactoring an Existing Application: Abstract Classes to Interfaces

Refactoring from abstract classes to interfaces can be driven by the need to implement multiple behaviors or interfaces.

// Old approach using an abstract class
abstract class Worker {
    abstract void work();
    abstract void takeBreak();

// New approach using interfaces
interface Workable {
    void work();

interface Breakable {
    void takeBreak();

class Employee implements Workable, Breakable {
    public void work() {
        System.out.println("Employee is working");

    public void takeBreak() {
        System.out.println("Employee is taking a break");

These examples illustrate the flexibility and power of using interfaces and abstract classes in Java, demonstrating how they can be applied to various design patterns and practical scenarios to create clean, modular, and maintainable code.


As we conclude our exploration into the nuanced world of interfaces and abstract classes in Java, it’s clear that these constructs are not just mere facets of Java programming but are foundational elements that significantly impact the design, maintenance, and scalability of Java applications. Through this comprehensive guide, we’ve traversed from the basic definitions to advanced considerations, unraveling the complexities and demonstrating the practical applications of interfaces and abstract classes.

Recap of Key Points Covered in the Article

  • Interfaces serve as contracts for what a class can do, allowing for a high degree of abstraction and flexibility in implementing various functionalities.
  • Abstract Classes provide a way to share code among closely related classes while allowing for a structured approach to implement functionalities with a partial or full definition.
  • The evolution of interfaces in Java, through the introduction of default and static methods, has blurred the lines between interfaces and abstract classes, offering more tools for developers to design flexible and modular software.
  • Design Patterns and Practical Applications: We delved into how interfaces and abstract classes are pivotal in implementing common design patterns like the Strategy, Observer, and Factory Method patterns, providing clear examples to illustrate these concepts in action.
  • Advanced Topics: We touched upon functional interfaces, the interface segregation principle, and mixed usage best practices, all of which enrich the Java developer’s toolkit for creating efficient and maintainable code.

Final Thoughts on the Strategic Use of Interfaces and Abstract Classes in Java Programming

The choice between interfaces and abstract classes is not merely a binary decision but a strategic one that requires careful consideration of the specific requirements and future evolution of your application. Interfaces offer unparalleled flexibility and are essential for defining contracts, especially in a highly decoupled system. On the other hand, abstract classes are invaluable when you need to share a common implementation while retaining a clear hierarchy.

The evolution of Java continues to enhance these constructs, providing developers with more sophisticated tools to tackle the complexities of modern software development. Understanding when and how to use interfaces and abstract classes will significantly affect the robustness, flexibility, and future-proofing of your Java applications.

Encouragement to Experiment and Learn by Doing

The journey through Java’s interfaces and abstract classes is as much about learning the theoretical aspects as it is about applying these concepts in real-world scenarios. Experimentation and hands-on practice are invaluable for internalizing these concepts. Encourage yourself to refactor existing code, apply these constructs in new projects, and observe the impacts on your codebase firsthand. The insights gained from such exercises will deepen your understanding and refine your approach to Java programming.

Remember, the art of software development is continuous learning and adaptation. Interfaces and abstract classes are powerful tools in your Java toolkit. Mastering their use will not only enhance your programming skills but also elevate the quality of the software you develop. So, keep experimenting, keep learning, and let your curiosity guide you towards becoming a more proficient and thoughtful Java developer.


To deepen your understanding of interfaces, abstract classes, and their use in Java programming, here are several resources that you might find helpful:

While this list provides a solid foundation for further exploration, the field of Java programming is vast and constantly evolving. Stay curious, keep exploring, and don’t hesitate to seek out the latest resources and tutorials to stay up to date with the latest in Java programming practices and principles.

FAQs Corner🤔:

Q1: How do default methods in interfaces change the way we use interfaces and abstract classes?
Default methods introduce the ability for interfaces to provide a concrete implementation for methods, which blurs the traditional line between interfaces (pure abstraction) and abstract classes (partial implementation). This allows developers to add new methods to interfaces without breaking existing implementations, offering a way to evolve interfaces over time while maintaining backward compatibility.

Q2: Can a class implement multiple interfaces that contain default methods with the same signature? How is ambiguity resolved?
Yes, a class can implement multiple interfaces that contain default methods with the same signature. However, if the implementing class does not override the conflicting default methods, it will result in a compile-time error. To resolve the ambiguity, the class must explicitly provide an implementation for the conflicted method.

Q3: How does the introduction of private methods in interfaces affect their usage?
Private methods in interfaces allow for code that is common to the default methods within an interface to be refactored into a private method. This helps in keeping the interface’s default methods concise and focused on their intended operations by sharing common code through private methods, thus enhancing code reusability and maintainability within interfaces.

Q4: In what scenarios might an abstract class be preferred over an interface after the introduction of default methods in Java 8?
Even with the introduction of default methods, abstract classes are preferred when you need to share a state (fields) among various implementations. Unlike interfaces, abstract classes can contain instance fields. Abstract classes are also beneficial when you want to provide common implementations for some methods while leaving others abstract for subclasses to implement.

Q5: How do functional interfaces work with lambda expressions to enhance Java’s functional programming capabilities?
Functional interfaces, which are interfaces with a single abstract method, are a key foundation for lambda expressions in Java. They enable developers to write more concise and readable code by using lambda expressions to provide implementations for the single abstract method of a functional interface, thus facilitating a functional programming style within Java’s primarily object-oriented context.

Q6: What role do interfaces and abstract classes play in the SOLID principles of object-oriented design?
Interfaces and abstract classes play a crucial role in adhering to the SOLID principles, particularly the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) and the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). ISP advocates for using narrow, specific interfaces, which promotes decoupling and flexibility. LSP, which pertains to substitutability of types, can be facilitated through the use of abstract classes and interfaces to ensure that derived types adhere to the base type’s contract.

Q7: How can default and static methods in interfaces be leveraged to create mixin-like behavior in Java?
Default and static methods in interfaces allow Java to support a form of mixins by enabling classes to inherit behavior from multiple sources (interfaces). A mixin can add functionality to a class regarding the capability provided by the mixin. Since Java allows a class to implement multiple interfaces, and interfaces can have default implementations, a class can effectively “mix in” behavior from multiple interfaces.

Q8: What considerations should be made when converting an abstract class to an interface in a large, existing codebase?
When converting an abstract class to an interface in a large codebase, consider the impact on existing subclasses, the need for refactoring to accommodate default method implementations or static methods, and the compatibility with existing clients of the abstract class. It’s crucial to ensure that the conversion does not break existing contracts or expectations, potentially requiring a phased or incremental approach to adoption.

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