Power of Boundary Value Analysis Test Case Design Technique


In the intricate world of software testing, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of an application is paramount. The success of any software product hinges on its ability to perform flawlessly under various conditions. One of the most effective techniques to achieve this is Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Test Case Design Technique. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey through the fascinating realm of BVA, exploring every nook and cranny of this invaluable testing technique.

What is Boundary Value Analysis?

Boundary Value Analysis is a systematic black-box testing technique used by software testers to uncover defects and vulnerabilities that often lurk at the edges of acceptable input ranges. It focuses on the extreme or boundary values of input data, as these values are more likely to trigger exceptional behaviors or uncover hidden issues within the software.

The Basics of Boundary Value Analysis

  1. Minimum Boundary Value (LB – 1): In this test case, we examine values just below the minimum acceptable input range. For instance, if a system requires an age input between 18 and 65, we test it with an age of 17. This helps ensure that the system correctly rejects values that fall outside the valid range.
  2. Minimum Boundary Value (LB): This test case involves using the lowest valid input value, which is 18 in our example. It confirms that the software handles the lowest acceptable values appropriately.
  3. Minimum Boundary Value (LB + 1): Here, we test the system with a value just above the minimum boundary, such as 19. This checks if the software can accept inputs that are at the boundary.
  4. Maximum Boundary Value (UB – 1): This test case examines values just below the maximum acceptable input range. For our age example, it would involve testing with an age of 64. This ensures that the software doesn’t erroneously reject valid inputs.
  5. Maximum Boundary Value (UB): Testing with the highest valid input value, 65, verifies that the software correctly handles the upper boundary values.
  6. Maximum Boundary Value (UB + 1): Finally, this test case involves using a value just above the maximum boundary, such as 66. It checks if the system properly rejects inputs that exceed the maximum limit.

Why Focus on Boundaries?

Boundary values are particularly critical because they often represent transition points where software behavior can change. Errors and vulnerabilities frequently occur when developers overlook these edge cases during the coding and testing process.

By concentrating testing efforts on these boundary values, software testers can:

  • Identify off-by-one errors, where the software behaves differently for values immediately above or below a boundary.
  • Uncover issues related to data truncation, overflow, or underflow, which can lead to incorrect calculations or data loss.
  • Ensure that the software complies with specified input constraints and validation rules.

Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning

Boundary Value Analysis is closely related to another testing technique called Equivalence Partitioning. While Equivalence Partitioning divides input data into groups or partitions of equivalent values, BVA specifically targets the edges of these partitions. The combination of these two techniques provides comprehensive test coverage.

The Power of Boundary Value Analysis

BVA is a powerful testing technique that offers several advantages:

  1. Efficiency: BVA allows testers to focus their efforts on the most critical test cases, reducing the time and resources required for testing.
  2. Bug Detection: It is highly effective in uncovering boundary-related defects, including those that might not be apparent in typical test scenarios.
  3. Enhanced Software Quality: By identifying and addressing issues at the boundaries, BVA contributes to the overall quality and reliability of the software.
  4. User-Centric Testing: BVA aligns with user expectations, as it targets input values that users are more likely to encounter in real-world scenarios.

Why is Boundary Value Analysis Important?

Boundary Value Analysis is crucial because it can pinpoint errors that are often overlooked during conventional testing. Software applications frequently encounter problems when dealing with boundary values, such as the minimum or maximum allowable input. By exploring these boundary conditions, we can uncover bugs and glitches that may remain hidden until users encounter them in the real world.

How Does Boundary Value Analysis Work?

Boundary Value Analysis is a systematic approach that focuses on the edges, limits, and extremes of input values to ensure the robustness and reliability of software systems. It involves the creation of test cases that target specific boundary values and their immediate neighbors. Let’s explore this process in more detail:

1. Identification of Boundaries:

The first step in BVA is to identify the boundaries that are relevant to the particular software component or feature being tested. This requires a thorough understanding of the system’s requirements, specifications, and user expectations.

  • Boundary Types: Boundaries can take various forms, including numeric ranges, character limits, date/time constraints, and more. Testers must identify the type of boundaries that apply to the specific functionality under scrutiny.
  • Boundary Values: Each boundary has corresponding boundary values, which represent the points at which the input transitions from valid to invalid or vice versa. Identifying these boundary values is crucial for creating effective test cases.

2. Creation of Test Cases:

Once the boundaries are identified, test cases are meticulously designed to cover various scenarios around these boundaries. The primary focus is on the following test cases:

  • Minimum Boundary Value (LB – 1): This test case evaluates the system’s response to values just below the minimum boundary. For instance, if the minimum age requirement is 18, this would involve testing with an age of 17.
  • Minimum Boundary Value (LB): This test case uses the lowest valid input value. Using our age example, it tests with an age of 18 to ensure that the software handles the minimum acceptable values correctly.
  • Minimum Boundary Value (LB + 1): Testing with a value just above the minimum boundary, such as 19, verifies that the system can accept inputs at the boundary without issues.
  • Maximum Boundary Value (UB – 1): Here, values just below the maximum boundary are tested. For instance, if the maximum age allowed is 65, this would involve testing with an age of 64.
  • Maximum Boundary Value (UB): Testing with the highest valid input value, which is 65 in our example, confirms that the software correctly handles the upper boundary values.
  • Maximum Boundary Value (UB + 1): This test case evaluates the system’s response to values just above the maximum boundary, such as 66, ensuring that the software properly rejects inputs that exceed the maximum limit.
  • Typical/Valid Input: In addition to the boundary values, it’s essential to include test cases with typical or valid input values, such as an age of 30. This ensures that the software functions correctly under normal conditions.
  • Invalid Inputs: While BVA primarily focuses on boundary values, it’s also important to include test cases with completely invalid inputs outside the defined range to verify that the software correctly rejects them.

3. Test Execution and Observation:

After the test cases are created, they are executed systematically, and the results are observed and documented. Testers pay close attention to how the software behaves when subjected to boundary values. Any unexpected behaviors, errors, or anomalies are noted for further analysis.

4. Analysis and Reporting:

Test results are thoroughly analyzed to identify defects, issues, or vulnerabilities related to boundary values. These findings are documented and reported to the development team for resolution. Detailed reporting ensures that identified problems can be addressed effectively.

5. Iteration:

The testing process may be iterative, especially when defects are discovered and fixed. It’s essential to retest using BVA after defect resolutions or software updates to verify that the issues have been successfully addressed.

Real-Life Applications of Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary Value Analysis is not confined to a single domain; it can be applied across a spectrum of industries and scenarios. Here, we delve into more real-life applications to illustrate its practicality:

1. Telecommunications and Networking

In the field of telecommunications and networking, BVA plays a pivotal role in ensuring reliable data transmission and connectivity. Here are some specific applications:

  • Bandwidth Allocation: Telecommunication systems often allocate bandwidth for data transmission. BVA helps verify that the allocated bandwidth ranges are properly enforced, guaranteeing efficient data flow.
  • IP Address Ranges: Networking configurations often involve specifying IP address ranges. BVA ensures that these boundaries are correctly set, preventing IP conflicts and network errors.
  • Latency and Packet Loss: BVA is used to test network performance boundaries, including latency and packet loss thresholds. This ensures that real-time applications like video conferencing or online gaming operate smoothly.

2. Automotive and Transportation

The automotive and transportation industries heavily rely on software-controlled systems. BVA helps ensure the safety and functionality of these systems:

  • Speed Limits: In automotive software, BVA can be used to validate speed limit enforcement. Testing at the boundaries of permissible speeds ensures that the vehicle operates within legal limits.
  • Navigation Systems: For GPS navigation systems, BVA helps confirm that geographic coordinates, map data, and destination inputs are within acceptable boundaries, preventing navigation errors.
  • Airbag Deployment: In the automotive safety domain, BVA is applied to test airbag deployment thresholds, ensuring that they trigger correctly in critical situations.

3. Energy and Utilities

BVA is instrumental in the energy and utilities sector, where software controls critical infrastructure:

  • Voltage and Load Balancing: In power distribution systems, BVA ensures that voltage levels and load balancing thresholds are maintained within safe limits, preventing overloads and outages.
  • Water Quality Control: In water treatment plants, BVA helps validate water quality parameters like pH levels and turbidity, ensuring that the treated water complies with regulatory standards.

4. Gaming and Entertainment

In the gaming and entertainment industry, BVA is used to enhance the user experience and gameplay:

  • Gaming Mechanics: Game developers apply BVA to test boundaries related to in-game mechanics, character attributes, and score limits to ensure fair and engaging gameplay.
  • Streaming Services: For streaming platforms, BVA helps validate video resolution, bit rates, and audio quality within acceptable limits, providing users with a seamless viewing experience.

5. Retail and Inventory Management

Retail and inventory management systems benefit from BVA in several ways:

  • Pricing Ranges: In e-commerce, BVA is used to validate pricing ranges, discounts, and shipping costs to ensure accurate and competitive pricing for products.
  • Inventory Levels: Inventory management software uses BVA to verify stock levels, reorder points, and inventory thresholds to prevent overstocking or stockouts.

6. Aviation and Aerospace

In aviation and aerospace, where safety is paramount, BVA contributes to the reliability of critical systems:

  • Altitude and Speed Limits: BVA is applied to test altitude and speed limits, ensuring that aircraft operate within safe parameters during takeoff, flight, and landing.
  • Navigation Coordinates: In avionics systems, BVA confirms the accuracy of navigation coordinates, waypoints, and flight paths to prevent navigational errors.

Practical Steps for Implementing BVA

Implementing BVA effectively requires a systematic approach that covers all relevant boundaries and scenarios. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the steps involved:

1. Identify Boundaries and Constraints:

Begin by thoroughly understanding the software component or feature you are testing. Identify the boundaries and constraints that apply to the input values. These can include numeric ranges, character limits, date/time constraints, and more.

  • Requirements Analysis: Carefully review the project requirements, design documents, and user stories to identify the boundary conditions explicitly stated.
  • User Expectations: Consider what users expect regarding input boundaries. Sometimes, user expectations might go beyond what is explicitly documented.

2. Create Test Cases:

Based on the identified boundaries, design test cases that encompass various scenarios around these boundaries. Include the following essential test cases:

  • Minimum Boundary Value (LB – 1): Test values just below the minimum boundary. For example, if the minimum age requirement is 18, test with an age of 17.
  • Minimum Boundary Value (LB): Test with the lowest valid input value, e.g., an age of 18, to ensure that the software handles it correctly.
  • Minimum Boundary Value (LB + 1): Verify that the software accepts values just above the minimum boundary, such as an age of 19.
  • Maximum Boundary Value (UB – 1): Test values just below the maximum boundary. For instance, if the maximum allowed age is 65, test with an age of 64.
  • Maximum Boundary Value (UB): Test with the highest valid input value, e.g., an age of 65, to confirm that the software handles it appropriately.
  • Maximum Boundary Value (UB + 1): Ensure that the software correctly rejects values just above the maximum boundary, like an age of 66.
  • Typical/Valid Input: Include test cases with typical or valid input values, such as an age of 30, to ensure the software functions correctly under normal conditions.
  • Invalid Inputs: Don’t forget to test completely invalid inputs that fall outside the defined range to confirm that the software properly rejects them.

3. Test Execution and Observation:

Execute the designed test cases meticulously. During the execution phase:

  • Record Results: Document the results of each test case, including whether the software behaved as expected, any errors encountered, and any anomalies observed.
  • Log Defects: If you encounter defects or unexpected behaviors during testing, log them with detailed information, including steps to reproduce the issues and their impact on the system.

4. Analysis and Reporting:

After test execution, analyze the results thoroughly. Focus on identifying defects, issues, or vulnerabilities related to boundary values. Effective reporting is crucial:

  • Defect Prioritization: Prioritize defects based on their severity and impact on the software’s functionality.
  • Detailed Reporting: Create comprehensive defect reports that include a description of the issue, steps to reproduce it, and any supporting logs or screenshots.

5. Iteration:

BVA testing may be iterative, especially when defects are discovered and fixed. Re-run the relevant test cases after defect resolutions or software updates to verify that the issues have been successfully addressed.

6. Automation:

Consider automating the execution of BVA test cases, especially for complex software systems or when frequent regression testing is required. Automation tools can help streamline the testing process and ensure consistent test execution.

7. Documentation:

Maintain thorough documentation throughout the BVA process. Document the test cases, test results, defect reports, and any changes made to the software as a result of testing. This documentation serves as a valuable reference for future testing cycles and audits.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Boundary Value Analysis is a powerful technique, but it’s not without pitfalls. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Neglecting Invalid Inputs:One of the most common mistakes in BVA is solely focusing on valid input values and neglecting invalid inputs. While boundary values are critical, it’s equally important to test how the software handles inputs that fall outside the specified range. This ensures that the software correctly rejects invalid inputs instead of processing them erroneously.
  2. Inadequate Test Coverage:Failing to cover all relevant boundaries is a serious oversight. Missing even one critical boundary can lead to undiscovered defects. Testers should ensure that they identify and include all relevant boundary conditions in their test cases, considering both upper and lower limits.
  3. Lack of Equivalence Partitioning:Boundary Value Analysis is closely related to Equivalence Partitioning, a technique that divides input data into groups or partitions of equivalent values. Testers often make the mistake of focusing solely on boundary values without considering the equivalence partitions. To achieve comprehensive test coverage, it’s crucial to combine BVA with equivalence partitioning.
  4. Overlooking Negative Testing:Negative testing, which involves testing scenarios where the software should reject inputs, is sometimes overlooked during BVA. This omission can lead to unvalidated inputs being accepted by the software, potentially causing security vulnerabilities or incorrect results.
  5. Ignoring Dependencies:Software components often have dependencies on each other. Testers should be aware of these dependencies and consider how boundary values in one component might impact the behavior of another. Neglecting to test these interactions can result in defects that only surface in real-world usage.
  6. Incomplete Documentation:Proper documentation is essential for effective BVA. Testers should meticulously document their test cases, results, and defect reports. Incomplete or poorly documented testing efforts can lead to confusion, hinder defect resolution, and make it challenging to track progress.
  7. Lack of Data Validation:BVA primarily focuses on input boundaries, but it’s important not to overlook data validation. Testers should verify that the software performs robust data validation, ensuring that inputs adhere to the specified data types, formats, and constraints.
  8. Assuming Uniform Behavior:Testers should not assume that the software behaves uniformly across all boundary values. It’s possible that the software may exhibit different behaviors at different boundaries, especially when dealing with complex algorithms or calculations. Thorough testing is necessary to uncover such discrepancies.
  9. Ignoring Edge Cases:Edge cases, which are scenarios that lie at the extreme edges of system functionality, should not be ignored. These cases often involve boundary values, and overlooking them can result in critical defects. Testers should actively seek out and test edge cases relevant to the software under examination.
  10. Limited User Involvement:BVA should align with user expectations, and user involvement can provide valuable insights. Inadequate communication with end users or stakeholders can lead to testing that doesn’t accurately reflect real-world usage, potentially missing important boundary scenarios.

By avoiding these common mistakes, software testers can conduct more effective Boundary Value Analysis, improving the quality and reliability of the software they test. BVA, when executed with diligence and attention to detail, becomes a powerful technique for identifying defects and vulnerabilities related to boundary conditions.

Tools for Boundary Value Analysis

While BVA can be performed manually, there are several tools available to simplify the process, especially for complex systems. Some popular tools include:

  1. Selenium:Selenium is a widely-used open-source automation testing tool primarily associated with web application testing. While it’s not specifically designed for BVA, it can be configured to perform boundary value analysis. Testers can use Selenium to automate the input of boundary values and observe how the software responds. Selenium scripts can be customized to test various boundary conditions systematically.
  2. Jenkins:Jenkins is an open-source automation server that can be integrated into your testing pipeline. While it doesn’t directly perform BVA, it can be used to automate the execution of BVA test scripts. Jenkins allows for continuous integration and continuous testing, making it a valuable tool for executing BVA tests regularly, especially in complex software development environments.
  3. JUnit:JUnit is a popular testing framework for Java applications. It supports parameterized tests, making it well-suited for performing Boundary Value Analysis on Java-based systems. Testers can create parameterized test cases to cover various boundary conditions, making it easier to execute BVA tests in a systematic and organized manner.
  4. Test Management Tools:Test management tools like TestRail, TestLink, or Zephyr offer features to organize and manage test cases effectively, including BVA test cases. These tools enable testers to create, execute, and track BVA test cases, ensuring comprehensive coverage and traceability of results.
  5. Boundary Value Analysis Generators:Some specialized tools and libraries are designed specifically for generating boundary value test data. These tools can automatically generate a range of boundary test cases based on specified input ranges and constraints. Examples include Boundary Value Analysis tools like Hexawise or CodePro AnalytiX.
  6. Custom Scripts:In cases where specific tools may not be readily available or suitable for your software, custom scripts can be developed using programming languages like Python, Ruby, or JavaScript. These scripts can automate the testing process by inputting boundary values and evaluating software behavior.
  7. IDE Plugins and Extensions:Many integrated development environments (IDEs) offer plugins or extensions that facilitate testing. For instance, IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse offer plugins that support JUnit and allow for the creation and execution of BVA test cases directly within the development environment.
  8. Database Management Tools:When dealing with boundary value testing involving databases, tools like MySQL Workbench, SQL Server Management Studio, or PostgreSQL’s pgAdmin can be valuable. These tools help testers create, execute, and validate database queries with boundary conditions.
  9. Load Testing Tools:Load testing tools like Apache JMeter or Gatling can be used to simulate a heavy load on the software while including boundary values in the test scenarios. This helps assess how the system behaves under extreme conditions and whether it maintains stability and performance.
  10. Code Analysis Tools:Code analysis tools like SonarQube or Checkmarx can assist in identifying potential boundary-related vulnerabilities in the source code. While not strictly BVA tools, they can uncover coding practices that might lead to boundary-related issues.

It’s important to choose the right combination of tools and resources based on the specific requirements of your software project. While some tools are more general-purpose and require customization, others are designed explicitly for BVA and may offer features to streamline the process. The selection should align with your testing goals and the technology stack of the software being tested.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development and quality assurance, the importance of thorough testing techniques cannot be overstated. Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) emerges as a stalwart guardian of software reliability and functionality, and in this conclusion, we underscore its profound significance.

BVA as a Pillar of Software Testing
Boundary Value Analysis is not just another testing technique; it is a fundamental pillar of software testing that ensures software systems perform flawlessly under diverse conditions. By scrutinizing the edges of acceptable input ranges, BVA unveils hidden vulnerabilities and guarantees a robust user experience.

User-Centric Approach
One of BVA’s notable strengths is its alignment with user expectations. BVA testing reflects real-world usage scenarios, where users often encounter boundary values. This user-centric approach contributes to user satisfaction and trust in the software.

Uncovering Hidden Defects
Perhaps one of BVA’s most remarkable attributes is its ability to unearth defects and anomalies that might remain concealed during conventional testing. By systematically examining boundary values and their immediate neighbors, testers can uncover off-by-one errors, data truncation issues, and boundary-related vulnerabilities that have the potential to disrupt the software’s performance.

Versatility Across Industries
BVA is not confined to a specific industry or domain. Its versatility shines across various sectors, from telecommunications and automotive to healthcare and e-commerce. BVA’s adaptability underscores its value as an indispensable testing technique that ensures software reliability across diverse applications.

Practical Implementation Steps
Implementing BVA effectively involves a systematic approach. From identifying boundaries and creating comprehensive test cases to executing tests, analyzing results, and maintaining meticulous documentation, BVA testing is a structured and rigorous process that leaves no room for ambiguity.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Testers must be aware of common pitfalls to maximize the effectiveness of BVA. Neglecting invalid inputs, overlooking negative testing, and failing to consider dependencies are among the mistakes that can undermine the integrity of BVA. Awareness of these pitfalls empowers testers to conduct more thorough and accurate testing.

Leveraging Tools and Automation
The software testing landscape has evolved, and so have the tools and resources available for BVA. Selenium, Jenkins, JUnit, and specialized BVA generators are invaluable assets for streamlining BVA testing. Leveraging these tools and automation can improve efficiency and consistency in the testing process.

In conclusion, Boundary Value Analysis stands as a formidable ally in the pursuit of software excellence. Its user-centric approach, defect-revealing capabilities, and versatility across industries make it an indispensable testing technique. By following best practices, avoiding common mistakes, and harnessing the power of automation, testers can unlock the full potential of BVA, ensuring software that not only meets but exceeds user expectations.

As we bid adieu to this exploration of Boundary Value Analysis, let us carry forward the wisdom gained here, recognizing that in the intricate tapestry of software testing, BVA shines as a beacon of precision and reliability, guiding us toward software that stands unwavering at the boundaries of perfection.

FAQs Corner🤔:

Q1. What are some advanced strategies for selecting boundary values in BVA?
In addition to choosing the immediate boundaries (minimum and maximum values), consider selecting boundary values that are close to, but not exactly at, the extremes. These “near-boundary” values can reveal subtle issues. Additionally, for numeric boundaries, explore values that are not evenly spaced but follow mathematical patterns, such as prime numbers or Fibonacci sequences, to stress-test algorithms.

Q2. How do you handle boundary value analysis for complex data structures like trees, graphs, or matrices?
Testing boundary values in complex data structures can be challenging. You’ll need to identify the critical boundaries relevant to the specific data structure. For trees or graphs, focus on boundary conditions related to the number of nodes, depth, or branching factors. For matrices, consider boundary values for row and column dimensions.

Q3. Can BVA be combined with other testing techniques, such as stress testing or performance testing?
Absolutely. Combining BVA with stress testing allows you to evaluate how the software performs under extreme boundary conditions. Stress testing can help uncover resource-related issues that might arise when the system encounters boundary values. Performance testing can assess the software’s efficiency and responsiveness at boundaries.

Q4. What’s the role of risk-based testing in BVA, especially when dealing with critical systems?
Risk-based testing involves prioritizing test cases based on the potential impact and likelihood of failure. In critical systems, BVA can be used to identify high-risk boundary conditions, which can then be prioritized for testing. This ensures that the most critical boundaries are thoroughly evaluated.

Q5. How can you effectively perform BVA when dealing with time-sensitive applications or real-time systems?
For time-sensitive systems, such as financial trading platforms or autonomous vehicles, it’s essential to incorporate time-related boundaries into BVA. Test cases should consider boundary conditions related to time intervals, timeouts, and latency. Automated testing tools with precise timing capabilities can be invaluable in such scenarios.

Q6. Are there any specialized tools for performing boundary value analysis on non-numeric data types, like strings or user inputs?
Yes, there are tools and libraries designed specifically for boundary value analysis on non-numeric data types. For strings, you can use tools that generate test cases with boundary values based on character length, special characters, or encoding. For user inputs, consider tools that simulate boundary conditions while mimicking user interactions and inputs.

Q7. How can I ensure that BVA test cases remain relevant as the software evolves and requirements change?
Maintaining the relevance of BVA test cases requires continuous communication with stakeholders and an agile approach to testing. Regularly review and update test cases as requirements change. Implement version control for your test cases, and integrate them into your continuous integration/continuous testing (CI/CT) pipeline to ensure ongoing relevance.

Q8. Can BVA be applied to non-functional testing, such as security or usability testing?
While BVA is primarily associated with functional testing, its principles can be adapted for non-functional testing. For security testing, consider boundary conditions that might trigger vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection or buffer overflow. In usability testing, explore boundary scenarios that might result in poor user experiences.

Q9. Are there any ethical considerations or legal implications when conducting BVA on systems that handle sensitive data?
When conducting BVA on systems that handle sensitive data, it’s critical to adhere to ethical guidelines and data protection laws. Ensure that test data used in BVA does not compromise privacy or security. Anonymize or use synthetic data if necessary. Compliance with data protection regulations is essential.

Q10. How do you measure the effectiveness of BVA in improving software quality?
Measuring the effectiveness of BVA can be done through various metrics, including defect discovery rate, defect severity, and the number of defects identified at boundaries. You can also track the resolution time for boundary-related defects and their impact on system stability and user experience.


  • Selenium Official Documentation: Selenium is a popular tool for automating web application testing. Learn how to incorporate BVA into Selenium scripts. Read More
  • Jenkins Official Documentation: Jenkins is a widely used automation server. Explore how Jenkins can be used for automated BVA testing. Read More
  • JUnit Documentation: JUnit is a popular testing framework for Java. Learn how to implement BVA using JUnit. Read More

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